About REDFOX Airshows

A message from Yuichi

The dream ignites one's life.

There's joy in persuasion of every dream. Joy for the accomplishment, joy for the effort of reaching higher goals. Life flourishes when there's such a joy, driven by the power of a dream. That's something I want to share with you.

I've been seeking until I found the world of aerobatics. It's an art which makes the blue sky a canvas, an amazing collaboration between a pilot and the aircraft. Like all motor sports, it pushes the limit of both human and mechanical ability. You may always see a goal in front of you -- until you find a higher one. The spiral of challenge is infinite.

Through my search of flight techniques, I've found many things I want to share with others. Not to mention the importance of basic maneuvers, but also the fact that nothing beats the joy of flight.
I was once a boy inspired by an airplane free in the air, and now I would be more than happy if anyone is likely inspired.

REDFOX Airshows won't let you down because of that.

"Yuichi Takagi is the most remarkable performer in this competition."
-- 4th Japan National Aerobatic Championships 2013

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